Can you connect a snaphook into the eye of another hook?

No. Both OSHA regulation and ANSI standard indicate that snaphooks and carabiners shall not be connected to each other. Compatibility between the two connections may also be a concern.

Is it acceptable to attach your fall protection system to scaffolding?

Yes, if the scaffold will support the potential loads, and the scaffold manufacture approves such use, you can attach your fall protection system. Make certain your connecting hardware incorporates hooks large enough to fully close and lock when attached to the scaffolding (ex. Lanyard with rebar hook). Also make sure the connecting hardware (snap hook) is allowed to be used in this orientation.

How do I determine the appropriate clearance needed for a shock absorbing lanyard?

For shock absorbing lanyards, you need to take into account the lanyard length, potential elongation, the user’s height, harness stretch, D-ring slide and a safety factor. Most, if not all manufacturers provide clearance charts with its fall protection products to determine clearance requirements and to help users select the proper product for the application.

What are ANSI and OSHA capacity requirements regarding fall protection systems?

The ANSI Fall Protection Code establishes requirements for fall arrest systems for workers ranging from 130 lbs. to 310 lbs. Equipment for workers outside of this range does not fall within the scope of the ANSI standard. OSHA standards allow for capacities to exceed 310 lbs. as long as the manufacturer ensures that their products will provide the proper protection for the weight listed.

What is the maximum free fall distance allowed by ANSI and OSHA standards?

The ANSI Z359 Fall Protection Code allows for a 6-foot maximum free fall distance. OSHA allows the free fall distance to exceed 6 feet as long as the arresting forces are below 1,800 lbs. for a full body harness system and as long as there is sufficient clearance.

Is there a specific height at which point fall protection is required?

Within ANSI Z359-2007, there is no specific height. ANSI only states that workers should provide a safe workplace for employees exposed to fall hazards. Within the OSHA fall protection standards, there are trigger heights for various work activities. In some cases, 4 feet is used as a common trigger height in General Industry. In the Construction industry, it is 6 feet for most activities. Keep in mind that it could depend on the state that the work in being performed in.

Where can I get a copy of the ANSI Z359 Fall Protection Code, and where can I get a copy of the OSHA standards?

Go to the ASSE’s web site at www.asse.org to purchase the ANSI Z359 Fall Protection Code. Go to www.osha.gov to obtain a copy of the OSHA standards

What is the anchorage strength required by ANSI for fall restraint systems?

1,000 lbs. for non-certified anchors or twice the foreseeable force for certified anchors.

What types of training does TomKat Safety offer? TomKat

Safety offers a full range of fall protection and rescue training, including Competent Person training, Awareness training, Competent Person Train-the-Trainer, Equipment Inspection training, Confined Space Training, Scaffolding Training and more. Our programs range from two hours to five days and can be taken at one of our training centers, or we can come to your facility. In addition, we can customize a course for your specific facility or jobsite needs. For more information, email us at contactus@tomkatsafety.com or call us at 360-471-0615.

What is the “service” life of fall protection equipment? Specifically, synthetic material?

It really depends on the manufacturer of the equipment. Currently there is no regulation or standard requiring that fall protection equipment be taken out of service after a certain age. The ANSI Z359 standard does, however, require that fall protection equipment be inspected prior to each use by the Authorized Person and additionally by the Competent Person, other than the user, at a frequency of no more than one year. Most manufacturer’s will state that as long as it passes the Competent Person’s inspected it can stay in service.