
Competent Person Train the Trainer


The Competent Person Trainer class, offered by TomKat Safety, provides its students with the opportunity to learn and become skilled in the methods of teaching and training others to become effective users of fall protection. It is designed specifically for those already substantially versed in fall protection of all kinds, and who would like to become certified to conduct a Competent Person training class.

Using lecture, demonstration, and hands-on engagement, our highly trained and experienced instructors will prepare students to in turn prepare others to stay as safe as possible when using fall protection equipment. This class offers frequent opportunities to conduct lessons, lead equipment demonstrations, teach proper equipment inspection, apply the most current safety regulations, and learn about the best methods of communicating information to students of all skill levels. TomKat Safety is committed to promoting fall protection safety, and is proud to assist others in developing the necessary skills to further this pursuit.

Upon completion of this course students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the following topics:

  • Teaching others to properly select, inspect, wear, and use fall protection equipment
  • A strong and accurate understanding of all applicable fall safety regulations, and the ability to communicate this understanding to others
  • Course design and implementation
  • Discuss jobsite specific duties, including those of the authorized, competent, and qualified person
  • Lead group discussions and appropriately and accurately answer student questions
  • Structure and develop supplemental materials that function to enhance student understanding of the topic at hand
  • Use fall protection equipment to demonstrate key concepts
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